

I had a flirtation with Margot
On the 10.21, Carriage B;
I helped her on board with her cargo
And fetched her some flapjack and tea.

I stowed her capacious attache,
And helped her to UHT milk.
"Is this your aspartame sachet?"
I asked her. My voice was like silk.

I brought her a courtesy Indie,
And purred through the latest reviews;
We soon had a nice little shindy,
Exchanging hot items of news.

The glamorous scenes at the stations!
Our amorous selves in the glass!
I taught her to cheat, playing Patience,
While letting the passengers pass.

Life's brief. I began to reject her,
And I switched off her laptop as well,
For I am a Virgin inspector:
If a customer's kissed, then she'll tell.

From Rime Present
