The Other Side Of This World

Would you like to split a warhead
Just between me and Vlad?
I can't see inside his forehead
I don't think I'm going mad
But that's the other side of this world I've been leading
Yes that's the other side of this world

Well the whole Earth's full of fall-out
And they're piqued in Pakistan
An attack could take them all out
Every woman, child and man
But that's the other side of this world I've been leading
Yes that's the other side of this world

Is our meat still full of gristle?
Was the deal we cooked not deft?
It's just the tasty tang of missile -
We've twenty-two hundred left
But that's the other side of this world I've been leading
And that's the other side of this world

[September 2003]

From Make Mine A Double

The Other Side Of This World

with apologies to the late Fred Neil